JCR Series Hydraulic Powered Drill Rigs are specially designed for cost effective drilling by using down the hole hammers & bits.

Hydraulic System Powered by Carrier Engine is operated by fixed displacement pump which controls Top Head Drive speed and feed. Centralized control panel located close to the drilling position ensures easy operation. JCR latest technology Rigs are low in maintenance & high in productivity.

JCR Series JCR 150 JCR 200 JCR 300 JCR 450 JCR 500 JCR 600
Hole Dia 4.5" 6" / 6.5" 6" / 6.5" 16" Max. 16" Max. 16" Max.
Depth Rating 500ft. 750ft. 1000ft. 1500ft. 1500ft. 1500ft.
Drilling Mode DTH Rotary cum DTH Rotary cum DTH DTH Cum Rotary DTH Cum Rotary DTH Cum Rotary


  • Hydraulic Pump package driven by carrier engine at low constant RPM ensures longer life span of pumps, gear box and power take off system.
  • Fast Feed & Rotation System ensures faster retrieving of drill tubes. Variable rotation and feed combination, helps drilling/retrieving in difficult strata conditions.
  • Rotary cum D.T.H. models can be used with a Mud Pump and Rotary drilling accessories for mud drilling. System design incorporated is latest in technology and requires very less maintenance expenditure. Built to last long keeping customer and operator requirements in mind.
  • Powerful Water & Foam Injection Pump, driven by high torque hydralic motor, installed to work with high pressure compressed air.
  • Larger Centraliser table with front half swingout facility accommodates larger diameter casing pipes.
  • Drill Module Construction & Mounting made simple & easy for service maintenance and accessibility.


Winch, Rod Changer, Jib Hoist, Two Speed Rotary Head, Mud pump, Night Lights, Welding Generator etc., are part of accessories.